Here are some new pics of the nursery. We (or Bart) got all the painting finished up. I know it is not optimal to have a Queen bed in the room, but it is what it is. I guess it will be good for me when I am too exhausted to walk to my room in the middle of the night.I am so excited to finally have the room semi set up. We should have the bedding in the next 2 weeks. I went to the doctor last week. I did pass my 3 hour glucose test, but I am anemic. I have started on Iron and doing much better. It seems like Lanie is constantly moving and kicking me which I actually find very comforting. Only 13 weeks to go before Lanie joins us. Can't wait!!!
Seems like she has grown so much in 4 weeks which is a great thing. The first pic of her profile is my favorite pic so far. More pics of Lanie to come in 4 weeks!
Yesterday we started working on Lanie's nursery. We painted 2 different shades of purple. Not sure if the pictures do that great of a job showing the colors. But one can imagine I love it since it is purple. We still have some chair rail and trim work to do so more to come. Our good friend Craig came over to give Bart a hand. It was much appreciated. Fun stuff!!!
Here are some 23 weeks belly shots. As you can see the belly keeps growing (which is a good thing since that means Lanie is growing). She is really starting to be a lot more active. She has kicked me so hard a couple of times it scared me. I guess I will start to get used to it though. I am really enjoying the 2nd trimester. I feel great.