Thursday, July 9, 2009


Sorry no pics this time, but I have to write about how proud I am of my little girl. She does sleep very well once we get her to sleep. Naps are generally not too bad but night time is not so good. It generally takes us an hour of crying to get her to go to sleep. Mind you she isn't just in her room alone crying for an hour but we are in and out of her room calming her down. It just takes an hour for her to actually fall asleep. Once she is asleep she sleeps till 2:00 and then to 6:00 every night/morning. She has put herself on that schedule (she must know her mommy likes schedules). I say all this to tell you that last night for the first time she went straight to sleep at 8:00 with only about 30 seconds of crying. We just couldn't believe it and frankly weren't sure what to do. We didn't know if she would awake in the night earlier than normal, but no she slept till 2:00. We will see if this trend continues tonight. Wish us luck!!!


  1. YIPPEE! See, all your hard work pays off and you are already reaping the benefits! It is so exciting when they finally seem to be getting the hang of the sleep thing. The grandparents will finally understand what you are doing when they see what Lanie is doing! Keep it up. You guys are great parents!

  2. Glad it is working for you! It is nice when they start sleeping well.
