Saturday, March 28, 2009

31 weeks pregnant

Here I am at 31 weeks pregnant. I am glad I took these pics as I am a lot bigger than I thought. My tummy just seems to be growing straight out. Lanie is very active moving around in my tummy. It has been really neat to feel her move from one side to the other. Sometimes my stomach is lopsided due to her laying on one side. Just this past week I have noticed her getting the hiccups which is such a strange yet amazing feeling. A week ago today we attended our childbirth class at the hospital. We learned all about the different stages of labor and medication options. The class was very enlightening. I learned some breathing skills to help cope with labor. I also preadmitted to the hospital this past week. So now all I have to do it show up and I am ready to have this baby hopefully not any time before May 19th. I am starting weekly appointments and ultrasounds with my OB. I love that I get to see Lanie every week now. Just think 7 weeks 3 days Lanie will be here!!!

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