Lanie Grace was born 5/19/09 at 2:24 pm weighing 6 lbs. 9 oz. 19 1/4 inches long. I am sorry it has taken me so long to get the blog updated, but I have been a little preoccupied with my new little bundle of joy. I will did end up having to have a c-section so I have also been recovering myself from the surgery. I am doing quite well though. The day Lanie was born was perfect. I checked into the hospital on the 18th. I started Cervadil at about 7:00 pm, but by 11:00 pm I was starting to have hard contractions putting me into labor earlier then the doctors wanted so they took it out. I had dilated to a 1 but my cervix was only 50% effaced. I then started on Pitocin at around 5:00 am. The Pitocin did make me have contractions but they were not strong at all. At one point I didn't feel like I was having contractions at all even though they kept turning it up. After 8 hours of the Pitocin my doctor checked me and I was still dilated to a 1 with absolutely no progression. At that point we had to make a decision whether to continue the medicine by trying Cervadil again that night with more Pitocin the next day. The second option was to do a c-section. My doctor couldn't really even feel Lanie's head so she was thinking she was not very engaged if at all. By this time I had already been off my blood thinner for 2 days so I was nervous about waiting another day or more before Lanie was born. My doctor also thought that even if I did progress with the medicine that there might be a size issue because my pelvic is small and didn't have a lot of room for Lanie. She said there was a 50/50 chance that I would end up having a c-section at the end of labor anyways. So Bart, the doctor, and I came to the conclusion that the c-section would be the safest bet. After the decision was made it was a whirlwind. My doctor, the surgery room, and all the nurses were available so the c-section happened very quickly. My doctor said that Lanie was still floating around and not engaged at all. She was very content with the decision to have the c-section because it would have taken quite a bit of time to get Lanie out vaginally. Bart and I totally do not regret the decision. I can still remember the moment that I first heard her cry. My heart melted and tears started rolling. Bart being a proud daddy got to carry Lanie to meet all the family and to the nursery. I was so jealous that I had to stay in surgery for about another 30 minutes before I could go hold my baby girl. Not much excitement happened after that except for a lot of loving on Lanie. It was just perfect. I stayed in the hospital until Friday. The first night was what all first nights home are like. We didn't get a lot of sleep at all cause Lanie had a stomach ache. My parents were here that night and really helped out. We have had some good and some bad nights, but overall things have been great since we have been home. We had our first peditrician appointment this past Tuesday and she is gaining weight back great. She does like to eat I will say that much. Bart's mom (Grammy Karen) is here this week to love on Lanie and help me out around the house. I can't lift anything heavier than Lanie so it has been great to have extra hands around. I am so thankful for all our parents to help us out this past 2 weeks. I can't imagine how we would have made it through without them. Well that is all for now, but I am going to get better about posting I promise.
So excited for you guys! She is beautiful!